Frequently asked questions

We like to think of it as the ultimate tool for the digitisation of economy and the development of new technology. The Hub can be viewed as a natural evolution, or mix of different institutions, such as clusters, technology transfer centres, etc. What differentiates it is the completeness of services it offers. As the world around us becomes more competitive, the development and implementation of new technology becomes more challenging and more costly. The Hub aims to offer a complete set of services including business development, transformation through technology and digitisation, prototyping, financing, and market entry support.
Talk to us first. The Hub maintains diversity among its members. Our goal is for each new member to complement the others. This way we can jointly offer a broad spectrum of services, provide expertise in many different technology areas, and cover different industries and sectors, without creating internal competition. 1. Read this paper first. 2. Schedule a meeting with us.
The Hub is a cooperative. This is the type of legal entity we think is the best legal form for joint research and business development.

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Tehnološko inovacijski hub Bukovačka cesta 105 10000 Zagreb, Croatia P: +385 92 3269 706

Business Hours

  • Monday-Friday: 9am to 7pm
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

© 2018 CroTechHub, cooperative. All rights reserved.


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